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encouragement from steve wise

Tuesday, December 05 2023

“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived
the things God has prepared for those who love him.” - I Corinthians 2:9

“[Faith is] a certain widening of the imagination.”  - Louise Cowan

Merry Christmas! As we journey through Advent, I hope you don’t miss a second of it thinking too much about the year ahead – except for our January Refresh event the weekend of January 5-7.

Mike Metzger is the founder and president of the Clapham Institute in Annapolis, Maryland. Westminster supports Clapham as a mission partner. Clapham’s mission is to “resource those who recognize we live in a post-Christian age.” I have studied with Mike over the course of the past 10 years. I am thrilled to invite him lead our time.

Our theme will be Widening our Imagination. Mike writes about our weekend – “It’s been said that beauty will win the world, so…our January weekend will revolve around uncovering the gospel that’s wondrously beautiful.” The aim is to draw us deeper into the wonder of His love displayed in this beautiful Gospel and to be spiritually formed by the love of God for us - to see, hear, and conceive what God has for those whom He loves.

Our prayer for this event is that:

  • we will hear and receive the invitation to walk more closely in relationship with Jesus and experience the Spirit’s light, life, love and joy in every area of our lives.
  • each member of our community connects more deeply with Jesus and that our church  experiences strong community and renewal. 
  • marriages and families would be strengthened, equipped, healed, and united to be pictures of the kingdom of God for our own children and the watching world.
  • our community of faith will be a “home” for learning how to love and to be loved and how to love God and one another.
  • our church would become more and more an “outpost” for the spiritual resources and supplies for a life of love, goodness, purpose and mission. 
  • that small groups will form and grow together in faith, hope, and love.

We will have dinner and program on Friday and Saturday evenings and a Saturday morning Learning Lab. Please clink the link to find out more and register for dinners, Saturday morning Learning Lab, and child care.

Your friend,

Steve Wise

Posted by: Steve AT 11:26 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
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